<b>How To Install:</b>
- Follow the 3 steps: open the application after downloading, click on the "Set as Active Theme" button and select the theme from the following page!
- This theme uses GO Keyboard or <a href="http://market.android.com/details?id=com.redraw.keyboard&utm_source=hypdesc">Redraw Keyboard Emoji & Themes</a>. If you do not have it installed, you will be redirected to a download page!
- If you are having problems installing GO Keyboard, please watch this instructional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1-zuZJKcdE
- The amazing HD screenshots we added will show you just how great this theme will look on your phone keyboard!
- The menus for this theme come with 48 different language translations!
<b>Social Media:</b>
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Take the time to RATE and COMMENT after you install, your opinion will help us improve our work! And do not hesitate to contact us adrianvali678@gmail.com with any suggestions or questions you have!